Support & Donate


The Hawai’i Journalism Initiative is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to professional, ethical journalism that empowers and informs the Maui County community.

How We Operate

Our stories are free to the public, with no paywalls or ads, and published on Maui Now’s website through a partnership with for-profit Pacific Media Group, a primary funder of our work. While the partnership allows HJI to share its work on Maui Now’s platform, the two organizations each maintain their independence and control editorial decisions within their own newsrooms. 

HJI is overseen by a Maui-based board of directors. The board serves to hold HJI’s staff, operations and funding accountable and does not make day-to-day editorial decisions. 

As a nonprofit, HJI operates through the support of generous donors. Funding helps pay our staff livable wages and furthers the work we do to keep our community informed at no cost to the public. However, donations do not influence our editorial decisions. The driving force of our reporting is for the public’s benefit, not special interests. The viewpoints of donors may not always reflect the values of the nonprofit; if legitimate ethical questions are raised about a donor’s activities, HJI may decide to refuse a donation. HJI also maintains the right to publicize large donors in the spirit of transparency.

If HJI seeks out grants to fund specific roles, projects or stories, the source of funding will be publicized along with the work it supports. 

HJI’s staff and board members are made up of current and former media professionals, and we strive to meet journalistic standards for accurate, unbiased, fact-based reporting. We aim to be inclusive in our work and elevate voices regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, age, religion, political affiliation, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability/neurodiversity or socioeconomic status. 

When doing stories and seeking sources, HJI also adheres to the following policies: 

Stories + Media


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Be a part of the movement to rebuild local news on Maui. Sharing our mission amplifies our collective voice for change.